The Kula guide to planting trees
We kick-started the Kula Africa Academy Programme on 18 March 2022 with a tree planting workshop hosted by Kula together with Roche and Food & Trees for Africa (FTFA) at Kula Organic produce farm (Midrand).
Learn how to run a food garden project with Kula Africa Academy
Kula Africa Academy is an ongoing community food garden project for aspiring social agripreneurs. The garden project identifies drivers of change who will take on the responsibility of maintaining a much-needed community vegetable garden and ensuring its success. -
Our First Harvest
Every family we assisted in creating a garden of their own has been reaping the tasty labour of their own discipline and care. Nothing beats the enthusiastic WhatsApps that have been poring in with images of crisp and succulent vegetables from their own backyards. -
We should have started a Hashtag: #HomeGrownChallenge
In an interview I spoke with 702 about the impact of sustainable gardens and how our business was impacted. We no longer deliver organic vegetable and fruit boxes, we now provide backyard food garden landscaping services. We find this to be far more sustainable option. The impact on the environment, families and their health is immeasurable. -
Let’s talk about the C word
If you’re on a new journey in your life and want to invest in your health, the health of your family and an organic lifestyle, this may be an option for you. Instead of being a supplier of fresh produce, we’re now moving into giving our clients their own gardens and showing you how to maintain it, as well as offering alternative health products.